Sergej Vutuc
27.6. - 04.08. 2019 Chantier Public, Poitiers
The intent behind Vutuc’s INSTRUMENT, FRACTURED SO CLOSE TO REACH exhibition was to create something based on the « specific, utopic energy of self-ran spaces, bands and all enthusiastic projects » with passion as sincere as « Senata Fox likes to ‘Scream For Deaf To Hear’ ».
The exhibited photo/copies were originally shot on shows and tours, « mostly at places run by people with another vision of the world than just a profit club », and prefaced by « ACCUMULATION », a live sound printing performance at the source of the handcrafting of a publication then integrated into the show, and the general build-up of energy « floating in between walls and bodies, like a paper structure, creating the surface for a publication ».
The stroboscopic rhythm of repeated projections of the images indefatigably echoes a perceived fracture in time, seemingly blurring the lines in between references from the past and hints of the present.
A certain split traditionally separating different forms of audiovisual communication is bridged by means such as the transformation of light into sound, or the constant pairing of graphic suggestion of noise with audible suggestion of visuals.Simultaneous stimulus of all senses induces a questioning of the level of validity of the spectator’s perception, and of reliability of the common information retransmission techniques. The looping journey through the technologies parallels the saturated use of the space it physically fills in with the energy generated by the resonating in between sound and its materialization, the heating from the friction of its causes against its consequences.
Sergej Vutuc
24.6.2019 Chantier Public, Poitiers
*teaser / filmed by Jeremy Pengam